A step-by-step approach to set up your sales system

Fortunately it is not a necessity to have access to all the latest and greatest. There are still many businesses who do not have access to this abundance of resources to run their businesses. It doesn't matter if you use a super-computer, laptop, card-box, ring binders or a Rolodex. Any of these methods can be utilized to keep track of your clients and potential clients. Following is a step-by-step guide to set up your selling system, regardless of the technology and resources available to you.
Choose your method of operation
What method will you use to keep track of your clients. The method you use to store data about your clients could include everything from the simplest filing system to complex electronic database systems. Whatever method you decide to use to keep track of your clients is totally dependent on your preference and business requirements (and your budget).
The main focus of your data base system is to keep an up-to-date collection of your actions and to target your clients more effectively. The type of information you store about your clients will depend on the criteria required for proper segmentation. You can use the data you collected about your clients to categorise them as A, B, C or D clients.
The information format
The information format refers to the physical interface you will use to display and present the information you have on your clients. This could be on-screen, on paper, in the form of cards, or printouts made on paper for filing purposes.
Whatever format you decide to use should clearly give an indication of the client's market segment, actions list and ample space for notes. It is also very important to mention the source of the business. You should always know where your client came from.
In my experience I have found that clients are at different stages in the sales cycle, or you could have a step-based sales approach. I suggest making use of three different files. The first would be the master file system where all the client files are stored in alphabetical order. The second file is arranged from January to December. Each month containing action cards, reminders and notes that refer back to the client master file. This will give you an indication of tasks that need to be done for each month of the year. The third file contains the days of the week. Reminder-cards, notes and actions are filed according to the days each task should be performed. The notes and reminders can then be moved between files 2 and 3 to ensure that you maintain contact frequency and feedback. It is a fact that we forget the promises we make, and it is therefore important that you create a system that works for you.
Using your database to sell
Once you have your client database up and running you can use the information you have about your clients and potential clients to start selling. If you use the following direct selling tools you will be very successful as a salesperson:
Personal calls, visits and deliveries
Even today this is still regarded by many to be the most powerful sales tool. This is simply because the majority of clients prefer a face-to-face, personal meeting with the salesperson. This is probably one of the biggest challenges to Internet marketers today. A lot of money is poured into simulation programs and widgets in an attempt to provide the client with a more human, personal interaction with the product or company. The personal call, visit or delivery will also require most of your time, and it is therefore imperative that you develop your personal communication skills to optimise your success rate in this area.
Personal lunches, dinners, breakfasts and coffee meetings
The main advantage of taking a client out for lunch or dinner is that you are meeting them personally, outside their working environment. The atmosphere is usually more relaxed and less formal. People are also very grateful when you pay the restaurant bill. Be courteous to waiters. It is often in restaurants where your true character is revealed.
Invite your clients to functions and events
By inviting your clients to events and functions develop strong relationships. If you are a salesperson who like to go the extra mile, you can even arrange to have the client picked up at his / her home or office. These invitations are especially effective when you want to give special recognition to your client for something he / she has done or accomplished.
Coincidental encounters
As you get to know your clients you will soon get familiar with the places they like to go to, at what clubs they hang out, associations they belong to, etc.
A word of caution: Do not knowingly take a client to a restaurant where one of their competitors go to regularly.
The telephone is the next best thing to being there
The telephone is a powerful marketing tool, but you should make it a rule to never call a client unless you have something important to share.
There are many reasons to call a client, for example:
- To inform a client of an upcoming event.
- To let the client know that you are sending someone over to do business with them.
- Give information that was requested.
- To personally invite someone to an event or meeting.
- To give a quick update on a new product or service you have.
- To update your database with client information.
- To thank the client for their business or a contribution made.
Personally delivering gifts and promotional items
This is the action where you personally visit the client to drop of gifts, promotional items, or provide personal assistance.
This concludes the primary tools that you can use to make your database sell.
In my next post I will reveal a few powerful secondary tools you can utilize to make your database sell.