This is the final part of the series containing trust-building strategies. I hope that these strategies will help you to develop the skills required to both trust others and getting other people to trust you in return.
7. Be sensitive to others' needs
It is important to realise that you might not be the only person who works hard, get tired and experience the everyday pressures. There are people around you who also go through these emotions and experiences. I am not asking you to pity those around you, but I can assure you that everyone, including yourself, needs some understanding and sympathy from time to time.
To in order to establish strong trust you have to show awareness of, and sensitivity to the needs of the people you work with, do business with, and those you share your life with.
Relate to others in their circumstances, not yours, and you will experience reciprocal understanding for the things you are going through and experiencing.
8. Respect the opinions of others
Two people are staring at moon. The one can see the moon clearly without any obstacles that could ruin the view. The other person is looking at the very same moon, but through the leaves of a tree, slightly obscuring the view.
Both of these people are looking at the same moon, only from different perspectives.
You have to learn to respect other people's views and opinions. The main focus here is to show respect and to cultivate an attitude of diversity.
Don't allow your low self-esteem to diffuse other people's creativity, ideas, perceptions and opinions. Form your opinions about other people by spending time with them and getting to know them better. It is impossible to make objective decisions about someone based on some gossip you heard.
9. Empower people to take action
Everyone knows the age-old saying: "You can bring a horse to the water, but you can't make it drink". The logic behind this is that people have to empower themselves to act. You can assist them to take action by providing an environment where it is all right to make mistakes, to take risks and complete what you have started. If people do not experience the freedom to act, the will not be able to empower themselves to take action. It is ok to trust your senses, but keep an eye on your brain. A world without trust is a world full of lawyers and prosecutors. All control-freaks loose control sooner or later, and often find themselves in an empty world where there is no trust.
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